
www.zige365.com 2012-8-22 16:35:03 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  Younger members of the list also mostly lack foreign education. Only six out of 100 people on the list have overseas experience in Japan, the U.S. or the UK, the list says.


  To be sure, the list like all accountings of the wealthy likely has serious gaps. For example, neither the Forbes not the Hurun list are comprehensive given how difficult it can be track wealth, particularly in China. The list also is heavily weighted toward those whose wealth comes from publicly listed companies, which report financial data that private companies don't have to. It doesn't appear to track wealthy Chinese who have left the country. And, of course, it doesn't track those whose wealth comes from official or public positions.


  It also doesn't take into account the future wealth of graduates of top schools or foreign-educated graduates, who could come to the list in increasing numbers as they grow older.


  Majors of the rich vary, ranging from veterinary medicine and logistics to computer technology. About half of the people on the list are involved in information technology, online game and software development, and most of them studied related majors in universities.


  The list indicates that while many older wealthy became their own boss 10 years after graduation, many young entrepreneurs started only three to five years after graduation.


  'We note that many Chinese young entrepreneurs are following their peers in America by starting up early their during university years or even dropping out school to focus on business, ' said Chen Jiangping, product manager of sdaxue.com, who is in charge of compiling this list.


  'This list aims to provide an interesting reference for university applicants and those who are interested in China's higher education and wealth,' said Mr. Chen.

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大学生暑期实践新意迭出_Hands on experience