
www.zige365.com 2012-4-23 8:47:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  74. A) at B) by C) in D) on

  75. A) desires B) realms C) needs D) intentions

  76. A) measure B) ratio C) area D) portion

  77. A) When B) Until C) Whether D) Before

  78. A) neighbors B) moods C) homes D) minds

  79. A) age B) ever C) previously D) formerly

  80. A) For example B) By contrast C) In particular D) On average

  81. A) transform B) yield C) adjust D) suit

  82. A) within B) from C) beyond D) to

  83. A) unfairly B) unpredictably C) instantly D) indirectly

  84. A) reliable B) considerable C) available D) feasible

  85. A) sense B) conscience C) project D) definition

  86. A) ranks B) assets C) ideals D) roles

  Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

  87. You would not have failed if you __________________________(按照我的指令去做).

  88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never ______________(放弃对知识的追求).

  89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time ______________(我们找到治愈癌症的方法).

  90. Production has to be increased considerably to __________________(与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步).

  91. The more exercise you take,________________________(你越不大可能得感冒).

Part Ⅰ Writing


  本次四级作文主题为“绿色校园”,这是一个看似简单普通的话题,写起来却不是那么容易。因为很多考生对于“绿色校园”所表达的内涵感觉比较生僻。假如对“绿色校园”这一主题感到难以把握,考生可以从作文提纲入手进行分析以获取对“绿色校园”这一概念的相关信息。根据作文提示2,可以看出此处的“绿色校园”指的决不仅仅是青青的草地和高大的树木构成的校园绿色风景,也不仅仅指对校园环境的珍视和爱护,而是指一种环境保护的文化氛围和师生具有的环境素养,以及由此带来的和谐的人文环境和社会绩效。在深入理解概念的基础上,考生还应对 “绿色校园”的重要性进行剖析,这时,考生可以从多个角度组织素材,比如从校园的环境问题出发,进而扩展到师生的环境意识对“绿色校园”所产生的长远意义以及为未来环境改善所做的贡献。最后是阐述建设“绿色校园”所要采取的措施。需要注意的就是作文给分的重点在于考生如何用恰当的语言词汇表达自己的思想观点。而不是写得越多,得分就越高。一般分成三个自然段,大概十句话,基本的分布为首段、末段合起来五句或六句,中间段五句或四句,做到结构清楚,重点突出,就可以了。


  Creating a Green Campus

  Recently, with the idea of making and maintaining “a green earth” being the focus of the society, “green campus” has become a more and more popular concept in universities or colleges, which, undoubtedly, will bring us an ever-lasting benefit to both our campus and our society.

  The concept of “green campus” does not only mean a green environment but also refers to an environmental sense in people’s mind. Campus plays a crucial role in educating the young generation and the consciousness of “green campus” will definitely produce a profound effect on students’ various environmental protection activities after their graduation. What’s more, the young generation is under the burden of severe environmental pollution and there are many problems waiting for them to solve.

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