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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案1 2007-11-12 14:40:23 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

B.Nancy is a pleasant person and she laughs easily.
C.Nancy is a very good policewoman because she has a lot of courage.
D.Nancy is a good police officer because she knows how to deal with people.

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17.A.VIP. B.President .
C.Ordinary people. D.All of the above.
18.A.George Washington. B.John Adams.
C.Thomas Jefferson. D.Truman.
19.A.Yes, it was burned down to the foundation.
B.Yes, it was burned with its elevator and other installation.
C.No, an abnormal storm put the fire out.
D.No, nothing was damaged.
20.A.From 1776 to present. 
B.From 1800 to present.
C.From 1948 to present.
D.From 1909 to present.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
At dawn on September 5th, 1972 a band of “Black September” Arab guerrillas broke into the Israeli building in the Olympic village near Munich where 10,000 athletes were staying. Over 250 plain clothes police had been brought into the village, following a tipoff of trouble ahead, but none of them saw the Arabs scale the fence. They burst into the Israeli building with submachine guns blazing at 5:10 am. Some Israeli athletes escaped through the windows and side doors. Nine were taken hostage. The guerrillas demanded the release of 200 Palestinians held in
Israeli jails and a safe passage out of Germany. Within hours the Olympic village was surrounded by 13000 police. The Olympic Games were suspended. After some negotiations, the terrorists were told they would be flown with their hostages to an Arab country. They were taken by helicopter to the Furstenfield military airport 25 miles from Munich. Just before midnight the guerrillas and their hostages began to walk across the tarmac to a waiting Boeing 727 aircraft. Suddenly al the airport lights were turned out and German police sharpshooters opened fire. The rescue attempt failed tragically. In the gun battle all nine hostages were killed, as well as four Arabs and one policeman. Three Arabs were captured and one escaped into the nearby woods. On the 8th, Israeli planes bombed ten guerilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre.
21.The most possible reason for Israeli athletes being attacked and kidnapped is that ____.
A.they had a conflict with the Arab guerrillas
B.the Arab guerrillas wanted to save the Palestinians held in Israeli jails
C.the German Government hated Israel
D.the Arab guerrillas hoped to get a large sum of money
22.When the trouble took place, the Olympic Games ____.
A.were completed B.were going on
C.were to be finished D.were to take place
23.The terrorists were told that they would be probably sent by air to ____.

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