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大学英语四级预测模拟试卷及答案1 2007-11-12 14:40:23 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

names of the humors, corresponding to these temperaments, have survived and are still useful, to some extent, in describing personality.
Other features of people, such as their faces and physics, have also been used
to classify personality. Today, however, personality theories and classifications
may also include factors such as heredity(遗传特征), the environment, intelligence
, and emotional needs. Psychology, biology, and sociology are involved in these
theories. Because of the complexity of human personality, presentday theories are often very different from one another. Psychologists vary in their ideas about what is most important in determining personality.
36.According to Hippocrates’ fluid theory, a man with too much phlegm will be ____.
A.optimistic B.easily angered
C.unexcitable D.pessimistic
37.The main idea of this passage is about ____.
A.the complicated factors in determining one’s personality
B.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its development
C.the past and today of personality classifications and theories
D.different personalities and their details
38.At present, psychologists ____.
A.have common opinion about personality theories and classifications
B.use biology, archaeology and sociology to study personality theories
C.have abandoned Hippocrates’ fluid theory entirely
D.all agree that human beings are characterized with complex personalities
39.The third paragraph mainly talks about ____.
A.Hippocrates’ fluid theory
B.scientists’ points of view on Hippocrutes’ fluid theory
C.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its fate
D.defects in Hippocrates’ fluid theory
40.According to this passage the factors which are still NOT used to clas
sify personality are ____.
’s born features and needs of love and success
’s height and weight
’s hobbies and ideals
D.the environment and intelligence

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part
. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
41.Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ____ to its
original splendour.
A.repaired B.renewed C.restored D.renovated
42.Highspeed aircraft is made of metals that can ____ both high tempe
rature and pressure.
A.stand by B.put up with
C.withhold D.withstand
43.Before the arrival of the white man, Australia was ____ only by Abor
A.lived B.resided C.dwelled D.inhabited
44.The ____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production meth
ods usually make jobs easier to do.
A.addition B.association C.application D.affection
45.In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to ____ despite the shorta
ge of food.
 B.survive C.bear D.endure
46.John wants to dispose ____ his old car and buy a new one.
A.on C.of
47.After my examination, I had a feeling of ____.

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