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2002年中级口译上海市试题 2007-11-12 14:06:11 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

The first structure would include a changing room and a shower area, where the divers would get out of their gear. There would also be a kitchen and a lavatory. The second structure would contain a dining room/lecture theatre, and sleeping accommodation for eight people. The third structure would contain two suites. A steward would come down with the ten customers, to cook and look after them. Television monitors would relay all that went on to the shore so that discussions on the sea bed could be transmitted to all the world.

1. From the passage we understand that tour operators and travelers will be interested in the submerged hotel as _________.
(A) it is a quiet place for research work
(B) it is an ideal sea-food restaurant
(C) it will offer new possibilities
(D) it will have unchanging weather

2. What design was finally considered most suitable for the new hotel?
(A) Three separated circles.
(B) Three linked discs.
(C) Three connected globes.
(D) Three interlocked cylinders.

3. The hotel would be able to float under water because it would be _______.
(A) made of light material
(B) 350 tons in weight
(C) filled with air
(D) attached to pylons

4. It is planned that sleeping quarters will be provided for the guests in the ________.
(A) second structure
(B) second and third structures
(C) first and third structures
(D) third structure

5. The purpose of television monitors under the sea would be to relay ________.
(A) instructions from the sea bed to the shore
(B) news from the shore to the sea bed
(C) information from the world to the sea bed
(D) information to the world from the sea bed

Questions 6~10
For most people, boasting about oneself does not come naturally. It is not easy or comfortable to tell someone all the wonderful things you have accomplished. But that is exactly what you need to do if you are seeking a new job, or trying to hold on to the one you have.
Of course, there is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance, so to be successful in winning over the interviewer you must learn to maximize your accomplishments and attributes without antagonizing the interviewer.
The natural tendency for most job seekers is to behave modestly in a job interview. To do the best job of selling yourself in an interview, you have to be prepared in advance. As part of your job-hunting check list, write down on a piece of paper your major job-related accomplishments. Commit them to memory. You will probably be pleasantly surprised to see in writing all that you have done.
By developing this list, you will have accomplished two things: the first is you will impress the interviewer by being able to talk confidently and succinctly about your accomplishments. You will not have to sit uncomfortably while you think of your successes. They will be at the tip of your tongue. Secondly, rather than dwell on your own personality characteristics, such as how hardworking or creative you are, you can discuss hard facts, such as how you saved your employer money or an idea you developed that helped a customer make more money. When chronicling your accomplishments for the interviewer, take as much credit as you honestly can. If you were a key part behind a major group project, tell the interviewer. If you developed a specific idea without help from your supervisor, it is acceptable to say that. Remember, you are at that interview to sell yourself, not your former co-workers.

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