
www.zige365.com 2014-3-28 17:14:47 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  之前官方四级样题给出的是Universities Branch Out来自于2007年12月四级真题的快速阅读原文,样题文章共九段。以今年真题之一的Why are we spent so much money on college为例,则是篇有着十三段的文章。可见长篇阅读文章的段落数并不确定。由于文章的篇幅保持稳定,所以文章的段落数并不与信息匹配过程的难度必然相关。
  接下来,本文试以四级真题之一的Why are we spent so much money on college为例,探讨该题型的解题方法及规律。
  46. Caplan suggests that kids who don't love school go to work.
  K. What might be a lot cheaper is putting more kids to work: not necessarily as burger flippers but as part of an educational effort. Caplan notes that work also builds valuable skills-probably more valuable for kids who don't naturally love sitting in a classroom. Heckman agrees wholeheartedly: "People are different, and those abilities can be shaped. That's what we've learned, and public policy should recognize that."
  47. An increasing number of families spend more money on houses in a good school district.
  C. For my entire adult life, an education has been the most important thing for middle-class households. My parents spent more educating my sister and me than they spent on their house, and they're not the only ones ... and, of course, for an increasing number of families, most of the cost of their house is actually the cost of living in a good school district. Questioning the value of a college education seems a bit like questioning the value of happiness, or fun.
  48. Subsidized loans to college students are a huge waste of money, according to one economist.
  E. Perhaps a bit. Richard Vedder, an Ohio University economics professor who heads the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, notes that while we may have replaced millions of filing clerks and payroll assistants with computers, it still takes one professor to teach a class. But he also notes that "we've been slow to adopt new technology because we don't want to. We like getting up in front of 25 people. It's more fun, but it's also damnably expensive." Vedder adds, "I look at the data, and I see college costs rising faster than inflation up to the mid-1980s by 1 percent a year. Now I see them rising 3 to 4 percent a year over inflation. What has happened? The federal government has started dropping money out of airplanes." Aid has increased, subsidized loans have become available, and "the universities have gotten the money." Economist Bryan Caplan, who is writing a book about education, agrees: "It's a giant waste of resources that will continue as long as the subsidies continue."

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