
www.zige365.com 2014-3-28 17:14:47 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
learn not just specific job skills, but the kind of "soft skills," like getting to work on time and getting along with a team, that are crucial for career success. "It's about having mentors and having workplace-based education," he says. "Time and again I've seen examples of this kind of program working."
  55. Over fifty percent of recent college graduates remain unemployed or unable to find a suitable job.
  F. Promotional literature for colleges and student loans often speaks of debt as an "investment in yourself." But an investment is supposed to generate income to pay off the loans. More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or in jobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student-loan debt carried by households has more than quintupled since 1999. These graduates were told that a diploma was all they needed to succeed, but it won't even get them out of the spare bedroom at Mom and Dad's. For many, the most tangible result of their four years is the loan payments, which now average hundreds of dollars a month on loan balances in the tens of thousands.
  1. 专有名词,数词,连字符词。
  如46. Caplan suggests that kids who don't love school go to work,51. Over the years the cost of a college education has increased almost by 100%,52. A law passed recently allows many students to pay no more than one tenth of their income for their college loans,53. Middle-class Americans have highly valued a good education,55. Over fifty percent of recent college graduates remain unemployed or unable to find a suitable job.
  2. 动宾结构。
  如47. An increasing number of families spend more money on houses in a good school district,49. More and more kids find they fare worse with a college diploma,54. More kids should be encouraged to participate in programs where they can learn not only job skills but also social skills.
  3. 核心名词或新增信息。
  如48. Subsidized loans to college students are a huge waste of money, according to one economist.
  1) 关键词非首次出现原则。此题型需利用关键词定位,但定位的位置不一定是关键词第一次出现的位置。需定位后结合原文与题干的内容进行比对。若不符,则继续向下寻找。
  2) 非顺序原则。
  3) 匹配原则。十个句子与原文定位处需有明确的匹配关系:同义改写,正话反说,反话正说等。
  如52题的one tenth改写了原文的ten percent,55题的fifty percent改写原文的half of all等。
  综上可知,长篇阅读从整体难度而言实则低于过去的快速阅读,少了干扰项,单纯的定位只是体现与时间的博弈和对英语文章的语感。有鉴于此,建议各位同学在未来的英语学习中加大课外英文阅读的力度,阅读材料以考试同源报刊如The Economist,Newsweek等为主,提升语感,从而真正提高英语能力。

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